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Year 10 Mock Interview Event at Ormiston Forge Academy

On Wednesday, July 10th, MFAA treasurer Harry attended the Year 10 Mock Interviews event held at Ormiston Forge Academy, Old Hill. The students involved had already completed work experience placements at one of the 34 businesses taking part.

Each business had a representative in attendance at the mock interviews and the purpose of the event was to give students further experience of what they could expect to happen once they attend a job interview in future.

The interviews lasted all day with each student preparing a mock job application form which they handed to the interviewer at the start of each interview. Individual interviews lasted from 15 to 20 minutes.

The event was organised by the Careers Administration Team from the Academy and notes were made during each interview that will be fed by to the students to aid their development.



Midland Film and Art


Midland Film and Art is a membership club where people can enjoy screenings of films or view artwork and crafts that would otherwise not be shown in mainstream cinemas or exhibitions, or be available locally. These shows usually have an educational aim, introducing new audiences to different audiovisual works through screening and display, encouraging participation in arts and crafts. A common feature that may characterize a Midland Film and Art meeting is that they either begin with an introduction to the audience and/or end with the promotion of a discussion about the film/art, where assistants, organizers and sometimes the filmmakers/artists themselves, exchange their views.


Our team of T.A.Y presenters are always looking for opportunities to feature all artists and all forms of creative activities on our broadcast programs.

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