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Halesowen Food & Arts Festival – Saturday, 16th May 2020


This year the annual Food Festival in Halesowen is being extending to include all forms of art, music, the spoken word, performance and craft.


The new Halesowen Food & Arts Festival takes place on Saturday 16th May 2020 in and around Halesowen town centre.  The event will promote social inclusion for everyone and provide opportunities for artists and crafts workers to become involved with the public and to showcase their talents.


Artists will be able to hold public workshops, put on demonstrations and sell their work, or simply take along their pencils, inks, paints, brushes and craft materials to undertake work in a public setting.  Musicians will be able to take part in coordinated street and in-house performances.


Supermarkets, shops, cafés, the library, food & drink outlets and open public spaces will be used as creative art, craft, music and performance spaces to engage visitors to the town


The event is supported by local businesses that together form Halesowen Business Improvement District (BID).  Halesowen town centre has an average footfall of some 28,000 people per day. Delivering a new food and arts festival which is inclusive and is accessible to all offers a unique opportunity to increase visitor numbers and gives reason for people to linger and enjoy the activities.


There are a limited number of stalls available with costs yet to be ratified.



Please complete an application form (attached) and return no later than Friday 6th March 2020 as follows…/


Music, Singing, Poetry and Street Performance:

Coordinator: Billy Spakemon and Tom Stanton. 

Apply by email to:


Arts & Crafts:  (Sales, workshops and demonstrators)

Coordinator:  Halesowen BID

Apply by email to::


For further information get in touch with

Vicky Rogers    on:  0121 794 2253

Email to:



Or, contact

Bryn Allen-Hill  on: 07914181582

Email to: 


Or, contact The Art Yard

Arts Application[v2].jpg

   Halesowen Arts Festival 

      Application Form         

Our team of T.A.Y presenters are always looking for opportunities to feature all artists and all forms of creative activities on our broadcast programs.

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